Blue Area Rugs

The Art of Styling with Blue Area Rugs

In the world of interior design, rugs are a game-changer. They can transform an ordinary room into an extraordinary one, and among the variety of colors and designs available, blue area rugs have become a popular choice for many homeowners and interior designers all over the world. The calming tones of blue can create a soothing atmosphere in any room, making it a great addition to bedrooms, living rooms, or even outdoors. But how do you choose, use, and style these rugs? Let's dive in.

Why Blue Area Rugs?

Blue area rugs provide more than just adding a touch of pop of color. They add depth and texture to a room, serving as a statement piece that can complement other furniture. From traditional to modern designs, these rugs come in a range variety of styles and tones that can accentuate any home decor.

The calming properties of blue make it an important color choice for creating a relaxing environment. Whether it's a traditional navy blue rug paired with mahogany highlights, other tones or a dusk blue rug adding a multi-dimensional plush touch, blue area rugs can set the mood for any room.

How to Style Blue Area Rugs

Pairing the blue rugs with different color palettes can create a variety of moods and aesthetics. For a modern minimalist look, consider pairing a blue rug or a light blue rug with white or gray furniture. This combination creates a sleek, clean look that's perfect for a contemporary living room or bedroom.

Nourison Elegant Heirlooms ELH02 Blue Ivory Traditional Machinemade Rug  Nourison Elegant Heirlooms ELH02 Blue Ivory Traditional Machinemade Rug  Nourison Infinite IFT02 Blue Traditional Machinemade Rug  Nourison Infinite IFT02 Blue Traditional Machinemade Rug
KAS Roxy 2805 Blue Grey Transitional Machinemade Rug  KAS Roxy 2805 Blue Grey Transitional Machinemade Rug  Feizy Kyra 3857F Blue Ivory Abstract Machinemade Rug  

For a more traditional feel, pair darker shades of blue with rich, warm colors like browns, golds, and reds. This color really creates a cozy, inviting space, great for family rooms or studies bedrooms.

Nourison Ankara Global Navy Multicolor Rug

Nourison Ankara Global ANR13 Navy Multicolor Traditional Machinemade Rug  Nourison Ankara Global ANR13 Navy Multicolor Traditional Machinemade Rug  Nourison Ankara Global ANR13 Navy Multicolor Traditional Machinemade Rug  Nourison Ankara Global ANR13 Navy Multicolor Traditional Machinemade Rug  

Nourison Ankara Global Teal Multicolor Rug

Nourison Ankara Global ANR14 Teal Multicolor Traditional Machinemade Rug  Nourison Ankara Global ANR14 Teal Multicolor Traditional Machinemade Rug  Nourison Ankara Global ANR14 Teal Multicolor Traditional Machinemade Rug  Nourison Ankara Global ANR14 Teal Multicolor Traditional Machinemade Rug

In terms of seasons, lighter shades of blue can add a fresh, spring-like touch of feel and texture to a room, while deeper blues can bring about a calming, winter ambiance and texture.

Investing in Blue Area Rugs

Investing in a blue area rug is a great way to add an element of luxury and comfort to your home. Atlanta Designer Rugs, for instance, offers a selection of premium designer blue area rugs that are sure to captivate those with a discerning eye. Not only do these rugs add a touch of aesthetic appeal, but they also provide important practical benefits such as warmth and noise reduction.

Artisan Tawny Blue Rug

Artisan Tawny Blue Contemporary Knotted Rug Artisan Tawny Blue Contemporary Knotted Rug  Artisan Tawny Blue Contemporary Knotted Rug  

In conclusion, whether you're looking to enhance and complement your existing decor or make a bold statement, blue area rugs offer a versatile solution. They come in a variety of designs, patterns and tones, allowing you to create the perfect ambiance for any room. Remember, the key is to choose a blue as rug that complements your decor and reflects your personal style.

Blue Area Rugs

What are Blue Rugs? You've got nowhere to go. Atlanta Designer Rugs offers a wide range of blue rugs of different designs, patterns and types. Our range includes classic and contemporary abstract design rugs. Blue carpets add a pop of color to any room.

Feizy Laina Blue Multi Rug

Feizy Laina 39G8F Blue Multi Abstract Machinemade Rug Feizy Laina 39G8F Blue Multi Abstract Machinemade Rug  Feizy Laina 39G8F Blue Multi Abstract Machinemade Rug  Feizy Laina 39G8F Blue Multi Abstract Machinemade Rug

Feizy Cadiz Blue Gray Rug

Feizy Cadiz 39FWF Blue Gray Abstract Machinemade Rug  Feizy Cadiz 39FWF Blue Gray Abstract Machinemade Rug  Feizy Cadiz 39FWF Blue Gray Abstract Machinemade Rug  Feizy Cadiz 39FWF Blue Gray Abstract Machinemade Rug

Blue rug is an accent item in any room or an accent in the room. Formal and casual blue color goes with every kind of home decor.

Blue brings in calming and serene atmosphere to any space. Whether you want the rug to be focal point or you just want a pop, blue area rug can bring life to the room.

Blue Round Rugs

Round Rugs can be placed on a sofa or kitchen area and also used as a rug in outdoor settings outdoors. Explore the blue round rugs for sale here

Nourison Passion RD Navy Blue Round Rug

Nourison Passion PSN26 -RD Navy Blue Contemporary Machinemade Rug  Nourison Passion PSN26 -RD Navy Blue Contemporary Machinemade Rug  Nourison Passion PSN26 -RD Navy Blue Contemporary Machinemade Rug  

Kas Heritage Blue Round Rug


Blue Runner Rugs

Using blue runners rug can give a relaxing, calming and serene atmosphere throughout. This can help create harmony between rooms. Plus it's available in several colours and styles so you can find the perfect pair of blue rugs.

Nourison Passion Navy Light Blue Runner Rug

Nourison Passion PSN09 Navy Light Blue Contemporary Machinemade Rug  Nourison Passion PSN09 Navy Light Blue Contemporary Machinemade Rug  Nourison Passion PSN09 Navy Light Blue Contemporary Machinemade Rug  Nourison Passion PSN09 Navy Light Blue Contemporary Machinemade Rug

Nourison Whimsicle Navy Ivory Runner Rug

Nourison Whimsicle WHS16 Navy Ivory Contemporary Machinemade Rug  Nourison Whimsicle WHS16 Navy Ivory Contemporary Machinemade Rug  Nourison Whimsicle WHS16 Navy Ivory Contemporary Machinemade Rug  Nourison Whimsicle WHS16 Navy Ivory Contemporary Machinemade Rug

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That rug in your bedroom.

The bedroom rugs, blue as a clear summer sky, added a refreshing and calming ambiance to the room.

Artisan Mary Green Rug

Artisan Mary Green Contemporary Knotted Rug  Artisan Mary Green Contemporary Knotted Rug  Artisan Mary Green Contemporary Knotted Rug  Artisan Mary Green Contemporary Knotted Rug

Nourison Passion Navy Blue Rug

Nourison Passion PSN10 Navy Light Blue Contemporary Machinemade Rug  Nourison Passion PSN10 Navy Light Blue Contemporary Machinemade Rug  Nourison Passion PSN10 Navy Light Blue Contemporary Machinemade Rug  Nourison Passion PSN10 Navy Light Blue Contemporary Machinemade Rug

Frequesntly Asked Questions

Which rug is best for bedroom?

A bedroom is a sanctuary for rest and rejuvenation, so choosing the perfect rug is crucial to create a cozy and welcoming space. When it comes to selecting the best rug for your bedroom, consider the softness, color, and overall vibe you want to achieve. For a calming and tranquil atmosphere, opt for a neutral-colored rug in shades of beige or grey, which can complement any décor and create a soothing ambiance. If you're looking to add a pop of color, blue can make a great accent that adds a touch of energy, while still maintaining a serene feel. Ultimately, the best rug for your bedroom should reflect your personal taste and style, bringing warmth and comfort to your space.

What color rug makes a room look bigger?

When it comes to making a room look bigger, the color of your rug can actually play a significant role in achieving that illusion. While many people may be tempted to go with bold or bright colors to make a statement, a neutral color is often the way to go. Shades like beige, grey, and even blue - when used in a muted tone - can help create a more spacious feel to a room. These colors tend to blend in with the surrounding walls, making the space feel less cluttered and more open. So, if you're looking to make your room look bigger, try incorporating a neutral-hued rug and see the difference it can make!

What size should a rug be for a bedroom?

Choosing the perfect rug size for a bedroom can be tricky, but it's important to make sure that the rug fits the room just right. While there are a variety of sizes available, some popular options include 8x10, 8x11, and 9x12. An 8x10 rug is great for smaller rooms and can be placed under the bed with a few inches of rug visible on all sides. An 8x11 rug provides a bit more coverage and can be placed partially under the bed and partially out, giving the room a larger feel. A 9x12 rug is ideal for larger bedrooms and can be placed entirely under the bed, extending beyond the edges to create a cozy and expansive look. Ultimately, the size of the rug will depend on personal preference and the measurements of the room itself.

What Colour rug should I get for my bedroom?

Discover the power of color! Your bedroom rug plays a crucial role in your overall aesthetic. Whether you want to create a harmonious ambiance or make a statement, there are key factors to consider. Take your existing color scheme into account and choose a rug that complements or contrasts beautifully. For a serene atmosphere, opt for neutral hues like beige or gray. Want to inject some excitement? Embrace a bold, vibrant rug in eye-catching colors like turquoise or magenta. Don't rush the decision, take time to align your preferences and needs, and uncover the ideal rug that perfectly embodies your personal style.

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